What is research? And also guide on what is research variables.

Types of variables in research

When you want to conduct a research study, there are many different types of research studies you can conduct. You may be using exploratory research, or you may be doing an explanatory study. In either case, the research process is not a straightforward one, and you must carefully consider the variables that you plan to use. In this article we can talk about types of variables in research and also what is research?

Independent variables:

Independent variables in research help researchers control the effects of external factors. For example, a pharmacologist may want to test the effectiveness of a new medication for cold symptoms. To do so, he will administer the drug to people and measure how much relief they experience. The medication is an independent variable, while the cold symptoms are the dependent variable. By controlling for the influence of the independent variable, the researcher can conclude that the changes in the dependent variable are due to the drug.

Example of an independent variable:

Another example of an independent variable is a nutrient level or soil composition. Soil composition and nutrient levels are independent variables in most research studies. In these studies, the researcher aims to find whether a particular change in the study affects test scores significantly. When the dependent variable is unrelated to the independent variable, the researchers will not be able to test whether the experimented change affected the test scores.

Controlling variables:

Using control variables in research is important for a number of reasons. For example, they help determine whether the independent variables have affected the results. In addition, they can explain any faulty results. The use of control variables also makes it easier to replicate a study. They also make it easier to establish the relationship between the dependent and independent variables.


Operationalization is the process of defining and measuring research variables. This process helps researchers to collect data that represents processes and phenomena in the real world. It also helps researchers reduce subjectivity in their studies. By operationalizing research variables, researchers can ensure that their results are valid and reliable. For example, an operationalized body mass index will help researchers determine how healthy a person is.

Operationalization is important for comparing and replicating studies. It is crucial to define a variable that is easily understandable to the reader. For example, an operational definition should include a measure and the interpretation. For a multi-dimensional concept, an operational definition may include a scale, index, or typology. Researchers may also look to previous studies to find out how to operationalize an observation.

Qualitative research:

The study of qualitative research often involves identifying the variables that make up a study. For example, in a questionnaire, the research question may be ‘What is the relationship between these two variables?’ It is important to note that in this kind of research, there is no use for hypotheses or other statistical methods. However, significant differences among the groups of participants can be observed, and there can be positive or negative correlations among the variables.

Quantitative research:

Quantitative research variables are those that can be reproduced and controlled in a study. They are usually formal, unbiased, and are used to gather information on the subject under study. These variables can be measured and recorded by using a variety of instruments. They can be used to identify the level of response to a particular treatment or outcome.

Explanatory research:

Explanatory research is a popular research method that investigates a cause and effect relationship. It is often used to study how different processes or standards affect various aspects of a problem or situation. Explanatory research is most commonly done through experiments. It uses primary and secondary data to understand how different factors interact with one another.

Explanatory research methods differ from correlational and deterministic research in that they don’t have a predetermined design or conclusion. However, the results of the research can still be useful to an organization. They may be used to improve a current program or even introduce new approaches and developments.

Author Bio:

Carmen Troy is a research-based content writer, who works for Cognizantt, a globally recognized professional SEO service and Research Prospect; an 论文和论文写作服务 Mr Carmen holds a PhD degree in mass communication. He loves to express his views on various issues, including education, technology, and more.