How many sources are enough to find dissertation literature review example

How many sources are enough for finding dissertation literature review examples

Before writing a dissertation literature review, you must clearly understand how this review is structured. By looking at examples, you can familiarise yourself with some of the main debates in academic writing and how to structure your thinking. It is also important to pay close attention to the formal style and academic language. Finally, your dissertation literature review should include a reference section.

Examples of dissertation literature reviews

A dissertation literature review example can be a simple summary of a selection of relevant sources. However, it is also likely to involve a critical engagement with your studied texts. The goal is to convey positive or negative opinions about the text and pose a question about how it can be interpreted. This means writing an analysis outlining how the literature reviewed supports the research topic.

When writing the literature review, it is important to use linking words to link relevant sources. Some useful words are parallels, convergence, divergence, and differentiation. An important part of a dissertation literature review is the conclusion, which should summarise what the literature has to say and tie it back to your argument.

Choosing sources for a dissertation literature review

When writing a dissertation literature review, it’s important to ensure the right sources support your arguments and interpretations. Below are some tips for writing a dissertation literature review:1. Reference sources appropriately. Use quotation marks when necessary. Refer to the example paragraph above to see what this looks like.

Choose sources that are useful and scholarly. Scholarly works, especially journal articles, can serve as good sources for your review. In addition to literary works, you can use abstracts to supplement the information you’ve gathered. Ensure that you have an understanding of the author’s intention and methods.

Don’t just pick the most cited source. Make sure to include a summary of the main points of the head. A dissertation literature review can be as simple as a list of relevant authorities, but it should also display critical engagement with the text. Consider whether the source conveys a positive or negative interpretation of your topic.

Organising a dissertation literature review

Following a general structure when writing a dissertation literature review is important. The chapters of your assessment should flow like chapters in a nonfiction book. They should discuss the topic and its relationship to the purpose of your dissertation. Be sure not to use too many direct quotes. Also, make sure your literature review is organised in an appropriate way for your institution.

The literature review should include a critical analysis of the sources and note them. It should also have comments on the methodological approach, theoretical argument, or general hypothesis. Using this approach will ensure that your literature review is not simply a recitation of the sources you read but a concise and logical line of argument.

Author Bio

Owen Ingram is a research-based content writer, who works for Cognizantt, a globally recognised professional SEO service and Research Prospect, a Servizio di redazione di saggi e dissertazioni. Mr Owen Ingram holds a PhD degree in English literature. He loves to express his views on various issues, including education, technology, and more.