Is paying someone to write a coursework a cheating

Is paying someone to write a coursework a cheating

According to a recent New York Times and the Daily Mail report, a global cheating network is allowing affluent students to hire people in Kenya to complete their writing assignments. Although this method of cheating is not new, the internet has made it easier. It is estimated that millions of essays are ordered through websites every year. As a result, 7% of North American students have admitted to cheating during their university years.

Contract cheating

Contract cheating is a serious problem that affects academic integrity, professional skills, and interpersonal interactions. It isn’t harmless, either – it undermines the true evaluation of knowledge and abilities and can seriously damage educational systems. Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent contracting cheating.

First step to detecting contract

The first step to detecting contract cheating is investigating the student’s work. The student should be asked about the sources used and the writing process. It may be necessary to check the document properties, such as the creation date and the student’s name to determine if they copied the work from someone else. Additionally, you can use online services like Turnitin to detect plagiarised assignments.

When students ask someone to write their coursework for them, they are often unsure of the legal consequences. Contract cheating may be a quick way to get good grades, but it’s important to be aware of the risks. Even though students don’t want to admit it, any form of academic fraud is illegal. The practice of contract cheating is a serious problem, but innovative technologies are helping educators combat it.


While some may consider getting help with coursework a valid option, others might argue that it hinders the learning process. This is especially true if students get too much help from others. It is important for teachers to assess the learning level of each student and to ensure that assignments are written appropriately. Furthermore, formal education is a kind of signal – it conveys important information about the individual to third parties.

In some countries, paying someone to write a paper for you is considered plagiarism. This serious academic misconduct can carry penalties ranging from jail terms to heavy fines. Many educational institutions have strict policies against this practice, so you need to know what they are before you decide to pay someone to write your coursework.

Using a cheat sheet

Using a cheat sheet when writing – and revising – coursework can help you remember the necessary information. Whether you’re tackling a history test or a chemistry exam, a cheat sheet can be helpful when you’re short on time. The key is to use it in conjunction with a study to give yourself the best chance of success.

Create a cheat sheet for each unit you’re working on. Begin by creating a cheat sheet on the first day of a team and continue adding to it daily. This way, you’ll be able to review the information and eliminate information that isn’t needed. If you’re writing coursework for more than one class, create a new cheat sheet whenever you change units.

Hiring a ghostwriter

Academic ghostwriting services hire writers to complete an entire online course on behalf of students. This practice has been around for years. It’s so common that one of the founders of online education, Dave Tomar, began a career in contract cheating in 2000. As the managing editor of Academic Influence, Tomar now shares his experiences and insights into countering contract cheating. Ghostwriter contractors typically charge between $300 and $700 per class, depending on the subject, complexity, and difficulty of the coursework.

Hiring a ghostwriter for coursework writing or assignment is now illegal in 17 states, but punishments are light, and enforcement is rare. There’s also no federal law prohibiting the purchase of academic papers, and ghostwriting services can be hard to detect. However, there are technologies available that can see ghostwritten essays, and they can even help universities see ghostwritten papers.

Using a service to pay someone to write a coursework

Using a coursework writing service to pay someone to finish your coursework is cheating, and you should never do it. There are many risks involved. You could be accused of plagiarism by copying someone else’s work without permission. You also run the risk of being blackmailed and exposed. Also, this type of service could endanger your mental health.

A study by Prof. Phil Newton in the UK found that one in seven students had used a service to buy work from a third party. The study also found that the rate of contract cheating has risen significantly over the years.

Author Bio

Owen Ingram is a research-based content writer, who works for Cognizantt, a globally recognised professional SEO service and Research Prospect, a Servizio di redazione di saggi e dissertazioni. Mr Owen Ingram holds a PhD degree in English literature. He loves to express his views on a range of issues including education, technology, and more.