Dissertation Research Limitations Section Structure

Dissertation Research Limitations Section Structure:

The Dissertation Research Limitations section is a short and sweet section of your structured dissertation where you outline the limitations of your research. It is important to be as open as possible with this section and not be ashamed to discuss the issues that hampered your investigation. It is a good idea to have drafts of this section so you can adjust it.


There are several factors to consider when writing a Dissertation research limitations section. Firstly, the scope of the discussions should be limited. It should be kept in mind that most students are not experienced researchers, and thus, they may not have the expertise to conduct research in depth. Therefore, the scope of the discussion must be limited on several levels compared to works written by experienced scholars.

  • While making assumptions can have negative consequences, they are important for the foundation of your work. Your beliefs should be based on things your readers will likely accept as true or plausible. Moreover, they should be stated in the Dissertation structure. The following are some assumptions that should be included in a Dissertation research limitations section.
  • The scope of a Dissertation research limitations section should be brief and descriptive. It should not be more than 200 words. Instead, it should be between 200 and 500 words. The structure of the Dissertation research limitations section should be consistent with the conclusions chapter. It should identify those limitations with the most potential impact and describe them briefly.
  • Limitations related to the research process and methodology should be mentioned. Clearly stating the restrictions that had the most impact on the findings is most effective. Make sure to note the rules in the past tense. In this way, the reader can understand the results of the study.

Research design:

Many limitations are inherent to the structure of dissertation research. While most are not within the researcher’s control, they can affect the results and design of a study. Limitations are a common feature of almost all research projects. Whether you’re doing your dissertation research or planning your next vacation, there are likely to be some limitations. For example, you might not have access to a certain restaurant or get the desired service.

Potential for bias:

One of the major limitations of any research project is the potential for bias. As a researcher, you need to be aware of potential biases and be honest about any preferences in your research. Most of the time, these biases are negative, but positive can also occur. As such, it’s important to note these instances of discrimination in your work and acknowledge them in your resources.

Understand the reason behind the limitation:

The limitations of a study must be explained. Understanding the reasons behind the rules and how they may affect your findings is important. Identifying the regulations is essential because this will allow readers to assess whether or not the study is a good fit for further research. It’s also important to remember that the assessment committee expects professional work.

Address the issue in the dissertation:

Once you’ve identified the limitations of your research, you can address the associated issues and make the necessary changes to reduce those issues. For instance, you may want to use force choice items or a randomised response technique. These techniques can reduce the potential for respondents to be uncomfortable answering sensitive questions.

In addition, you can use self-administered questionnaires or hidden data collection. These techniques reduce the potential for Hawthorne’s effect and minimise bias. Furthermore, you may want to use standardised assessment forms and rubrics to reduce the preferences of the researchers and the raters.

Author Bio:

Owen Ingram is a research-based content writer who works for Cognizantt, a globally recognized professional E-commerce SEO company provider and Essays.UK, A leading dissertation and essay writing service in the UK. Mr Owen Ingram holds a PhD degree in English Literature. He loves to express his views on various issues, including education, technology, and more.